Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Include language resources in SharePoint

After reading the blogs Tomblog and Mikhail Dikov on language resources in SharePoint I decided to create a "language aware" version of some SharePoint FieldControls.

In addition I created a function to retrieve the resources that read the resx file if available. If the resourcefile is obsolete (Not published to the App_GlobalResources with ststadm -o copyappbincontent or a feature receiver) The resource will be created from the default resource compiled into the assembly.


public static String GetResource(String ID)


String ResourceString = "";

// Check if the resource exists in the App_Resources folder

// Hint use stsadm -o copyappbincontent to copy the contents from the /CONFIG/Resources directory

// A better way to update the resources is by a feature receiveres



ResourceString = HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("chandrila_cdlf", ID, SPContext.Current.Web.Locale).ToString();



{ }



if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ResourceString))


// Fall back to the compiled resources

return Resources.chandrila_cdlf.ResourceManager.GetString(ID);



return ResourceString;




// If all fails return the ID of the resource that was requested.

return ID;



Not rocket science, but it helps avoiding strange errors for the SharePoint Adminstrators

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