Tuesday, June 23, 2009

GetListItems only returns 100 items

When using the SharePoint webservice lists.asmx you can create a simple CAML query to retrieve listitems. I discovered that when no RowLimit is set the result does not return more than 100 items. So if you want to retrieve more than 100 items be sure to specify the RowLimit when calling GetListItems.

The example below is in Delphi code:


The code above will return all items using a max limit of 5000 items. The code below will only return 100 items regardless of the “real” amount of list items specified.



Uday said...

Thanks a lot buddy! It saved my time.

Hardik Fefar said...

can you specify what is the maximum limit for that & any other solution if i have large data in the list say 10000 records

Christian Berg-Henry said...

This has changed a bit since the article was written. This is based on SharePoint 2007. 2010 and 2013 has another set of web servies and other ways to Connect. Try looking up Microsoft.SharePoint.Client or SharePoint REST Interface